May 03, 2006

Unmarketing is marketing

Are those "triple-A-"bloggers ripe for being the next marketing communications-channel? Or was it happening already? This was posted by Stowe Boyd lately (yes, the guy who will be wearing Jeff Pulver Tees for the next 198 days):
"The same strategy that software start-ups are now depending on for launch -- unmarketing -- where you simply let influential bloggers know about something interesting, and blammo!"
"Unmarketing?" Sigh, is it already a form of non-marketing, when the propaganga-medium for a product or service is changed from a brochure or microsite to a blogger? What do you think?

Unmarketing ist Marketing
Werden "Triple-A"-Blogger demnächst zum neuen Kommunikationskanal für Werbebotschaften? Oder ist das schon längst der Fall? Folgenden Satz hat letztens Stowe Boyd gepostet (genau der, der für die nächsten 198 Tage Jeff Pulver T-Shirts tragen wird):
"The same strategy that software start-ups are now depending on for launch -- unmarketing -- where you simply let influential bloggers know about something interesting, and blammo!"
"Unmarketing"? Seufz, ist es schon eine Form von Nicht-Marketing, wenn das Propaganda-Medium eines Produktes oder Services ein Blogger statt einer Brochure oder einer Werbe-Microsite ist? Wie seht ihr das?

:P <- Lutz

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