June 12, 2007

I'm on Safari

Today I've installed Apple's brand-new beta Safari released for Windows--partially out of sheer nostalgia: I'm running Windows now for one and a half years and I'm already so sick about it, that I'm seriously starting to think about migrating back to Mac. Using Safari on Windows will sooth me until I'm ready to spend the next 2k bucks.
But of course my official reason is validation. It would be nice if developers on Windows could validate websites for Safari with this version, but I guess we're not that lucky. Probably Win-Safari and Mac-Safari will display quite different behaviours. Does anybody know more about this issue already?

Bin auf Safari
Heute habe ich mir die brandneue Betaversion von Safari für Windows installiert -- offengestanden aus nostalgischen Gründen: mein Windows-Notebook ist jetzt knappe anderthalb Jahre alt und Windows macht mich mittlerweile echt krank. Mit Safari auf Windows kann ich mich vielleicht über die Zeit hinwegtrösten, bis ich mal wieder 2 Riesen hinblättern kann, um auf einen Mac zurückzukehren.
Der offizielle Grund für die Installation ist aber natürlich die Validierung; es wäre wirklich klasse, wenn Entwickler auf Windows mit dieser Version von Safari Websites für den Mac validieren könnten. Aber vermutlich haben wir soviel Glück nicht. Wahrscheinlich werden sich die Safaris auf Mac und Windows komplett unterschiedlich verhalten. Oder weiss bereits jemand mehr über dieses Thema?

:) <- Lutz


Anonymous said...

I also read into newspaper about this new Safari from Apple however lots of HKgoners found it contains so much bug and not so stable although this stuff was pretty fast.....

Lutz_W said...

LOL, yeah, I read about it yesterday, too: there seem to be some definite issues with Safari running on german Windows; If the same happens to chinese Windows boxes, then I guess those bugs can be found in all non-english versions.
As for myself, I tried to use Safari yesterday for two times only. Even when visiting a simple site like leo.org, Safari crashed on both occasions after filling out a form-field...

:P <- Lutz

Andreas said...

Uhm... I checked the logs for a few of the bigger websites I track and Safari/Windows didn't show up once. Safari/Mac had a whopping 0.95% slice of the browser pie. Slighly less than Konqueror for Linux. Is it worth the trouble?

Lutz_W said...

IMO it depends on your target-audience; a lot of agencies on the one hand and a lot of service-early-adopters on the other are Mac-users -- on 37signals' browser-stats for example, Safari ranges on third place with around 15% or so.
I guess it's not worth the trouble for you, because you are mainly running with high-tech-crowds (definite WIN-users)?

:) <- Lutz