March 23, 2007

Design Democracy

Every now and then some journalist, consultant or usability-expert feels it's time again to tell the world that designers are the Evil. This time it's Bruce Nussbaum in his article "Are Designers The Enemy Of Design?" at BusinessWeek online.

Design Demokratie
Alle Jahre wieder hat ein Berater, Usability-Experte oder Journalist das Bedürfnis, der Welt zu erklären, daß Designer das Böse sind; diesmal von Bruce Nussbaum in seinem Artikel "Are Designers The Enemy Of Design?" bei BusinessWeek online.
Mehr davon...

"In the name of provocation, let me start by saying that DESIGNERS SUCK. I’m sorry. It’s true. DESIGNERS SUCK. There’s a big backlash against design going on today and it’s because designers suck.

So let me tell you why. Designers suck because they are arrogant. The blogs and websites are full of designers shouting how awful it is that now, thanks to Macs, Web 2.0, even YouTube, EVERYONE is a designer.

Design Democracy is the wave of the future. Exceptional design may only be done by great star designers. But the design of our music experiences, the design of our MySpace pages, the design of our blogs, the design of our clothes, the design of our online community chats, the design of our Class of ’95 brochures, the design of our screens, the design of the designs on our bodies—We are all designing more of our lives." (Bruce Nussbaum)

I'm so sick to hear the same tirade over and over again. So let me chime in: everybody is a writer (hey, I can hold a pen, too ;) ), everybody can be a programmer or an engineer or a surgeon, right? Or like somebody puts it in the comments-section of the above article: "Ownership of a hammer and saw doesn’t turn a do-it-yourselfer into a carpenter but it does get you making stuff."

Ich bin es so leid diesen Unsinn wieder und wieder zu hören. Ich darf dann auch mal: jeder ist ein Texter (schließlich kann jeder einen Stift halten, sogar ich... :) ). Und jeder kann ein Programmierer, Ingenieur oder Chirurg sein, richtig? Jemand in den Kommentaren des obigen Artikels hat es so ausgedrückt: "Ownership of a hammer and saw doesn’t turn a do-it-yourselfer into a carpenter but it does get you making stuff."

;P <- Lutz

1 comment:

Andreas said...

But... But... Designers ARE the root of all evil. Especially lamp designers. :)